
We have a number of ever expanding application suites in the Educational Line-Of-Business.  Our Title-I application is the most comprehensive and expandable in the price range, making it ideal for small and medium sized school districts.

We will design and design and develop custom applications for you at a fraction of the cost. 

Reporting Tools  

We can assist with migrating from your existing so called "web-enabled" non-browser based reporting system to Right Reporter. 

Our current projects include migrating an insurance co. in South-Western USA from ORACLE reports to Right Reporter.

Recently, we replaced the COGNOS BI system with Right Reporter at a manufacturing company in California. 

Glovia ERP Users

We at Avman have several years of experience in supporting Glovia users, from simply maintaining the Glovia application to customizing the application to clients' specific needs. We were instrumental in providing a WIP tracking software for a major client with several plants in US, Europe & Far East. This WIP tracking system (an extension to Glovia ERP system) was a key factor in acquisition of this organization by a corporate giant with annual revenues in well in excess of $ 18 B.

Integration Services

a) We can also assist  you with embedding Right Reporter into your own web based, or .NET or J2EE application. Whether you are a web-centric software developer or end user, integrating Right reporter into your own web based application offers enormous productivity gains. This keeps your organization truly web enabled and ahead of competition.

b) The reporting engine infrastructure can also be used to develop your own web based transaction processing application quickly, cheaply and efficiently, making your organization truly web enabled.

c) We can also customize the report output styles or build new ones to suit your organizations' needs. These report styles can be in any output format including flat file for data transfer to another application internal or external to your organization.

Turnkey Solutions

Our professional services division is well versed and experienced in providing turnkey solutions. We can add functionality to your existing application or build a completely new web based application. Whether you are a small "widget" manufacturer or  fortune 1000 organization, no job is too small or too large.

We specialize in building applications utilizing latest technologies such as Java, J2EE, .Net platform, XML,  XSSL,  Voice over IP etc..

Over the years we have built applications for wide range of industry's such Satellite Command & Control, International Banking, Healthcare, Communications etc.