
This application is a data capture and maintenance system to manage student information required for Title I program, which is part of the No Child Left Behind initiatives. The application supports information collection and maintenance screens for students enrolled in the program in Pre-K, K thru 7 grades. The package has a light footprint and requires minimal resources.. For mid-sized school districts of up to 100 teachers, the system can be co-located on spare servers. No additional database packages are required as the application is based on MS-Access.

For larger school districts, the application can run on Sun/HP/AiX and any high performance database like Oracle, MySQL, postgreSQL or SQL Server by simply changing a single properties file.

Glovia Reports

For users of Glovia ERP application, we have developed several reports using most commonly used Glovia tables. After installation of Right Reporter, these reports are available immediately for execution. These reports can also be modified (or copied) to suit each individual organizations needs. The accompanying database schema will provide an excellent launching pad for Glovia users to provide web reports. This will reduce the need for expensive PROIV SL programmers to build the reports. 

These reports offer an excellent ROI for all Glovia users who have struggled in the past with other non-web based legacy reporting tools like Cognos.

Integration Services

a) We can also assist you with embedding Right Reporter into your own web based or .NET or J2EE application. Whether you are a web-centric software developer or end user, integrating the Right Reporter into your web based application offers enormous productivity gains. This keeps your organization truly web enabled and ahead of competition. 

b) The reporting engine infrastructure can also be used to develop your own web based transaction processing application quickly, cheaply and efficiently making your organization truly web enabled.

c) We can also customize the report output styles or build new ones to suit your organizations' needs. These report styles can be in any format including flat file, XML, EDI for data transfer to another application internal or external to your organization. 

ERP/CRM Systems

We are committed to providing customized pre-built reporting solutions for most software systems like SAP/BAAN/Siebel Systems etc.. For more information please contact us immediately.