For small and
mid-size school districts that participate in No Child Left
Behind (NCLB) act. The application cost is a fraction of the
cost offered by other companies or in-house development. The
application was developed entirely using the Infra Right.
This application is a data capture and
maintenance system to manage student information required for
Title I program, which is part of the No Child Left Behind
initiatives. The application supports information collection
and maintenance screens for students enrolled in the program
in Pre-K, K thru 7 grades. The package has a light footprint
and requires minimal resources.. For mid-sized school
districts of up to 100 teachers, the system can be co-located
on spare servers. No additional database packages are required
as the application is based on MS-Access.
For larger school districts, the application
can run on Sun/HP/AiX and any high performance database like
Oracle, MySQL, postgreSQL or SQL Server by simply changing a
single properties file.
