Ashburn, VA
August 2004
Avman releases the latest version of Title-I application
for small and mid-size school districts that participate in No
Child Left Behind (NCLB) act. The application cost is a
fraction of the cost offered by other companies or in-house
development. For
more information click here.
Ashburn, VA
March 2004
Avman releases Infra Right, the glue to develop
applications with integrated reporting, better faster and
Ashburn, VA
Feb 2004
Avman announces the release of the complete range Right
Reporter products - Right Reporter Lite, Right Reporter Pro,
Right Reporter Enterprise and Right Reporter 508. This means
that Right Reporter can now be deployed in any scenario - from
small organizations requiring large amounts of reports to
government agencies and NGOs requiring 508/ADA compliant
reports. For more information, click here.
Ashburn, VA Mar 2003
Avman announces the release for Right Reporter Lite. It is ideally
suited for organizations who a) need to deploy the Right Reporter quickly on Windows platform,
b) have very limited internal IT/IS resources and c) have limited budget for commercially available off-the-shelf
repoting tool but who still require a completely web based reporting capability.
Ashburn, VA & New York, NY Nov 2002
Spherion ( a world leader in staffing, recruitment & outsourcing services
deploys Right Reporter for one of its' major clients (educational institution) in state of New York.
Right Reporter was seemlessly integrated into an application utilizing IBM' Websphere application server.
The application and Right Reporter could be used by 100,000+ users.
Ashburn, VA Oct 2002
Avman announces the release of Right Reporter for Linux platform. Just like for the Windows platform,
it takes less than 5 minutes to install on the Linux platform. The Users can choose
either the PostgreSQL or MySQL for Right Reporter's internal database. As a result Right Reporter can be
now be very easily installed on Windows, Linux & Unix platforms.
Ashburn, VA June 2002
Avman announces the release of its suite of reports for Glovia (ERP) application. With this suite a
Glovia user can be up and running in less than 1 hour with over 25 reports already created and schema
of over 50 most commonly used glovia tables already imported into Right Reporter.
For more information click here.
Ashburn, VA & Corona, CA 17th May 2002
Glovia (ERP) user replaces Cognos BI and implements Right Reporter.
Hayden(formerly a division of HoneyWell Thermal Systems) is a major supplier of heat exchangers to
the trucking industry. Using Right Reporter, Hayden will not only provide reports to its' own workforce
but will also provide status of orders to its customers. They will also provide a heads up of
material requirements to their vendors.
Ashburn, VA Mar. 2002
Franklin Management successfully migrates from Cold Fusion to Java based Right Reporter.