About Right Reporter

Right Reporter is a completely web based reporting tool that allows users to create, design and run reports using a simple browser.

No, you do not need to know any programming to use Right Reporter. In fact you can even do complex joins of multiple tables by simply clicking a few buttons!

However, if you wish to use a powerful SQL query as a source for a report (instead of a Table), then of course you must know the syntax for a Select statement for the database.

No. Once Right Reporter has been installed all tasks are performed using a web browser such as Netscape or IE.

Yes, Right Reporter comes with an in-built scheduler. Reports can be scheduled to run starting at a particular time and at desired frequencies. Once a scheduled report has been run, the scheduler can either mail the report or mail the notice about the report.

No. Once a schedule has been created the report will run automatically at the predefined time interval. If the Right Reporter server comes down for any reason and report scheduled time has passed then the report will run automatically as soon as the server comes up.

Yes. When creating a schedule, you can specify the e-mail addresses and whether the report is to sent as an attachment or a link.

Yes. However the report must be created using a normal workstation

Installing Right Reporter

Right Reporter can be installed on a Windows (NT/2000), Linux or any Unix Platform.

Right Reporter supports most ODBC / JDBC compliant databases such as ORACLE, SQL Server, DB2, Sybase etc.

No. The database can be on a Unix platform whereas the Right Reporter can be on a Windows platform and vice-versa. However, you would need JDBC/ODBC connectivity to the database.

On Windows/Linux platform it takes approx. 5 minutes. After that a report can be created in less than 30 minutes once an JDBC / ODBC database connection has been defined on the server.

Yes. For relative ease of installation we only provide evaluation copy for Windows or Linux platforms. The evaluation period expires after 30 days. After the license has expired, it is still possible to retain the reports created by simply purchasing a license from Avman Systems.

You need Java Development kit. A free copy of Java (J2SE) is available from java.sun.com appropriate for your platform.

No. Right Reporter comes packaged with Tomcat Web server (Apache Software Foundation www.apache.org). However, it is possible and recommended to use an industrial strength web server like IIS (Microsoft), iPlanet or Apache web server. Right Reporter can be configured to work with any one of these web servers.


Right Reporter supports a growing number of report styles and data formats - Pure HTML (Standard & Executive), MS Excel (Standard & Comma delineated), MS Word, & Label Format. 

Using the integration and infrastructure features of Right Reporter it is possible to deliver any kind of Report with any complexity.

Upon installing Right Reporter, the installer automatically creates a shortcut to the documentation in the Start Menu->Right Reporter. Alternately, you can find all the documentation in the RightReporter/docs directory.
Integration Services

Yes. It is very easy to integrate Right Reporter into any other web application.